
It’ll pass us by!

„Tackling climate change in a half-hearted way is merely sugar-coating the issue. One thing is irrefutable: there is no way we can achieve the 1.5°C goal by simply switching from fossil-based fuels to renewables. It is essential that we also switch from virgin to recycled raw materials – systematically and resolutely. Our company is showing how this can be done.“


We are climate action

Many people do not realise that the circular economy is one of most important and most effective sectors for tackling climate change. Find out more about the different ways we help to protect and maintain living spaces for people, animals and plants. And about what policies and guidelines are still needed so that we can be even more successful.

Climate action means recycling

The mining, processing and linear use of virgin raw materials are all driving climate change. We recycle materials to reduce carbon emissions.

Climate action means alternative energies

From electricity produced from municipal waste to fuel made from animal fats – we have a wide range of energy-generating operations that help cut carbon emissions.

Climate action means transferring know-how

Collaborating to promote ecodesign and improve climate footprints. How we help manufacturers to consider the whole lifecycle of their products.

Climate action means active participation

We promote climate action in a whole range of different ways – from our educational project all the way through to our recycling label.

Climate action means taking a holistic approach

Being present everywhere, having a recycling solution for everything – we practise climate action on a global level to ensure we have as big an impact as possible.

Our goal is to take action ourselves to curb climate change as well as to get others to join in

“The best way to cut carbon emissions is to recycle materials as comprehensively as possible. That’s our business model. This is what we’re committed to doing each and every day.”


“In an ideal world, climate-friendly products and services would cost less than climate-damaging ones. Why? Because it means that more people would take the sustainable option. And this is what we’re fighting for, too.”


“Climate action at REMONDIS also means ensuring our own production plants are run in a sustainable way. By-products are processed so that they can be used by other industrial businesses.”


“Collection rates must be increased and harmonised across the EU over the medium term to help Europe move towards a sustainable future.”
